Do you buy your home outright? Or do you finance it? Interest rates on vacation homes tend to be higher than conventional rates, but both are historically low right now. Both 1st and 2nd home interest rates are tax deductible … for now.
If you finance, should you opt for a 15 or 30 year mortgage? Adjustable rate? (Don’t forget we’re just getting out of the Housing crisis – many people had ARM’s.) If there’s a lot of equity on your first home, should you take out a home equity loan on that to pay down your vacation home? All scenarios to discuss with your loan officer before you write an offer or even start your Desert vacation home search.
Second/Vacation home mortgages, along with having higher rates, have more rules than if the purchase was your principal residence. One question the lenders will ask is how will you handle an unexpected financial crisis owning two homes and all their expenses? This will probably require you to detail and explain a lot more of your information than you would for your first home. It’s still a great time to purchase in the Desert and there are great homes on the market right now!